Free Gay Facts, gossip and opinions at Aaron's Lavender Leviathan is a completely free and hassle free site. No porn loops here. This site, created by artist, Aaron Rush is full of gay photos and images. Nude male photos as well as erotic digital fantasies. It's free and it's fun.
CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures from 1200 BC to 30 BC CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures from 1200 to 1700 CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures from 1900 to 1920 CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1930's CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1950's CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1970's CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1990's
CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures from AD 1 to 1200 CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures from 1700 to 1900 CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1920's CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1940's CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1960's CLICK HERE to Discover our Queer Heritage, our gay achievements and failures during the 1980's
Just click on the period of time on the timeline above
to view that era in our gay history.

Gay men and women have a long rich history of major conquests and defeats since the beginning of mankind. This feature will help you get a clear perspective of where you are as a gay individual.